Purchase guidance
Why should I choose purchase guidance?
There are a few things to consider when buying a home! Especially if you haven't cut corners before and Curaçao has not been your homeland for a long time. We take all the stress and fears away from you when it comes to purchasing a new home.
With purchase guidance we can assist you in the entire process of purchasing a new home, take a lot of work off your hands, and last but not least: save money!

What does the purchase guidance entail?
- Together with you we view the house (this is also possible virtually);
- We conduct the negotiations on your behalf to arrive at the lowest possible purchase price;
- At your request, we can arrange a building inspection;
- We see to it that the purchase agreement is drafted correctly;
- Just before handover, we inspect the house together with you;
- We assist you at the notary when the house is transferred.
What is the Purchase Guidance Process?
- You can enable purchase guidance after you have viewed the intended home for the first time.
- After enabling purchase guidance, we will arrange a second viewing together with you, the seller or the selling broker, and we will agree a time for the second viewing. We will then view the property together with you.
- After this joint viewing, we determine the negotiation strategy. Then we start the negotiations.
- As soon as an agreement is reached about the price and the delivery, we have an external structural investigation carried out into the structural condition of the home.
- During the negotiations we will stipulate that you can dissolve the purchase agreement if you cannot obtain suitable financing or if the structural investigation reveals defects that are unacceptable to you as a buyer.
- After a verbal agreement between you and the seller, a purchase agreement is drawn up. We will check this carefully and have it adjusted where necessary.
- When you agree to the purchase agreement, your purchase guidance is complete. After this step, we can help you with the financing.
What other matters do we arrange with the purchase?
- In addition to the architectural report, we also arrange the valuation report for the application for your mortgage.
- We always arrange a good civil-law notary who charges an affordable and reasonable rate.
Interrested in Purchase Guidance?
Please contact one of our advisors directly and discuss your options.